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sustainable shopping

At Designer Outlet Luxembourg, we are aware of our responsibilities and care for our planet, but also for the people around us.


100% green electricity

All the lighting in the common areas such as the gallery, car park, public toilets, reception and offices is LED, 100% green electricity. This has enabled us to reduce our electricity consumption by 26% in 2022 compared to 2021.
Non-essential lighting is switched off outside opening hours.




A rainwater harvesting pump was installed in 2022, for watering green areas and cleaning sewage systems. Flush toilets and taps in public toilets are eco-friendly to reduce water consumption.
We are implementing regular monitoring of water consumption to identify and repair any leaks.


Our eco-friendly actions

Our centre is ISO 14001 certified : an accreditation of a properly implemented and maintained environmental management system.
For our green spaces, we use seasonal, annual and sustainable plantings as well as eco-friendly products for their maintenance, and for the cleaning of the centre.



waste separation

We strive to make our customers and shops aware of the need to sort their waste. In 2022, we collected 230 tonnes of recyclable waste : 157 tonnes of cardboard, 70 tonnes of wood and 3 tonnes of plastic. We separate recyclable and non-recyclable waste.


Our brands

All of our shops are increasingly concerned about the environment and are taking action in this direction. At Levi's, 70% of denim are made using waterless technology and backpacks are made from recycled plastic bottles. The NYX brand, available in our L'Oréal boutique, is 100% vegan. DIM offers OEKO-TEX® underwear.

The Mise au Green brand has products certified by the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® label, Tommy Hilfiger uses recycled materials, Triumph creates swimwear from used plastic bottles and many others...



green box

Give a second life to the clothes you no longer wear, we sort them for reuse or recycling. Bring your clothes (in good condition) such as shoes, bags, belts, hats and household linen to our clothes bin in our information point. We will give you an extra 10% discount in all our shops !
Since its establishment, we have collected more than 350kg of clothes which we donate to associations.

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From 10 to 21 September, discover old summer collections at knock-down prices: accessories and clothing for men and women.